Monday, November 17, 2008

The Art of [Spiritual] War

Imagine for a moment that the most evil, least redeemable person in history (Hitler is an obvious choice) arrives at your door. He is not a ghost, and you are not dreaming. He is alive, well, and somehow happens to need a very small favor from you. He was so caught up in managing the Nazis that he forgot to tell a friend that he can’t make it over for dinner. He wants to use your phone; or, if you’d prefer, he’d like for you to call his friend on his behalf. Your task is an easy one, a negligible inconvenience. Yet, what is your instinct here? To just slam the door in his face? Perhaps you can think of something even more colorful you’d like to like to do to Hitler if given the opportunity. The point is that no matter how apparently subtle the task, you would not want to help the likes of Hitler.

The Bible warns us that there are very few, if any, neutral actions (if you need a reference, Ephesians 6 is a good place to start). We live in a complicated world with both physical and metaphysical dimensions, both tangible and spiritual components. To be sure, the physical realm of reality is merely the tip of the iceberg, while the spiritual realm is the more substantive mass we do not see. Everything we do in the physical realm has spiritual significance, not only because there are spirits watching and reacting, but also because we are part spirit. And our spirits, so long as we are on this earth, are necessarily connected to our physical bodies. Conceivably, there are some things that are entirely benign. Tying your shoe might be one example. But the majority of our actions affect more than we can see. C. S. Lewis explains that everything we do turns that inner part of ourselves—our spirit—into either a more heavenly or a more hellish creature. We decide.

So we know that there is a spirit realm and that our actions have spiritual consequences. Add to that a bit of what we know about our spiritual enemy. First, we know that he (I do not just mean Satan, but for simplicity’s sake, I will use him to refer to all that is evil) is infinitely more evil than Hitler or any other human that comes to mind. We know that his primary goal is coax us into becoming the most hellish creatures we can be. He cannot take God’s love from us; he cannot force us into submission. But he can certainly entice us through temptation and encourage us to reject God by affecting our thoughts and circumstances (if you want to see this enemy at work, read the Book of Job). If you are an unbeliever, you are no threat to the enemy. Indeed, you are just where he wants you to be. There is no real need to threaten your surroundings. There may be occasion to tempt you, but this may be more for his amusement than productivity. He would be happy to let you remain content, and tickle your senses just enough to keep you from paying attention to much else. Of course, God gets in the way of this. Somehow He manages to get our attention no matter how hard the enemy tries to keep us in the dark. Sooner or later you find yourself seeking, yearning, questioning, failing and praying, trying and hoping, as your spirit reaches out to God as it was made to do. I won’t go into this much further because this is not my main point here. Just know that the enemy never has the last word.

Now when you become a believer, the enemy has lost his main tactical advantage: anonymity. He is no longer the stealth force that orbits your life under the radar. You are aware of him and his limitations. If this were a battle in the physical realm, how would your enemy adjust? What might the enemy do differently if you could now identify him and knew exactly how to defeat him? No doubt his approach to battle would change. And no doubt our spiritual enemy’s approach changes when we come to know Christ and His power over the enemy. He is no longer happy to ‘let us be.’ But, so long as we find our worth and fulfillment in our salvation and relationship with God, there is not much the enemy can do because he cannot take our salvation. Instead, he has to find a way to thoroughly disrupt our lives to get us to refocus our attention on something outside of God, preferably outside of the spiritual realm altogether. But he must be careful to do so in a way that does not force us tighter into God’s arms.

The first step in the enemy’s approach is easy; he’s been paving the way for a long time, and we have helped him along. To get us to find our worth in things outside of God requires only that he get us to pay attention to almost anything or anyone around us. We might be distracted by incessant need for success, money, or a shiny new gadget. He might get remind us how lonely it is to be single, how complicated it is to be married, or how tragic it is to not be able to have children. If individual attacks don’t work, he might draw our attention to humanity in general: how devastating the state of the world, how bad of shape we are all in. Before we know it, we are dissatisfied with ourselves, our circumstances, our spouse, our government, what others think of us, or something equally irrelevant to salvation.

Once we begin to equivocate our happiness with something outside of God, the enemy need only start disrupting whatever that other thing is. If we find too much value in money, he might help us lose a job or take a foolish gamble on a stock that subsequently tanks. If we find too much value in a relationship, he might inspire some ridiculous bickering or tempt us into infidelity. If we are particularly vain, our looks may collapse. Whatever the strategy, the result is the same: he gets us to place our worth in something fallible, and then he helps it fail. We find ourselves devastated; all that we’ve worked for, prayed for, held onto, is crumbling before our eyes. What’s worse is that we don’t know where God is in all of this. Why has God allowed this to happen? Soon we are miserable, confused, and on the verge of willingly renouncing God. And the enemy has won.

[Nevermind that God told us from the beginning that these things can be tampered with and so we should not stake our worth on them. Nevermind, too, that God instructs us to be on our guard against temptation and to be good stewards of our money, time, and other resources, and that had we followed those heedings, we would not have fallen so deeply into the mess we are in. And nevermind that no matter how far we fall, God can pull us back up, and that even when we are not at all to ‘blame,’ when bad things just ‘happen to good people,’ we have no reason to fear because God always has the final word.]

Remember our scenario at the beginning? Now put it all together. We have an enemy, much worse than Hitler. Whether you are giving him the satisfaction of keeping you away from salvation, ushering you out of it, or simply doing him a small favor along your way, you are still working for him. If you were sickened by the thought of helping Hitler cancel his dinner plans, how much more repulsed must you be at the thought of helping God’s enemy wreck his havoc on mankind.

Want to avoid becoming the enemy’s pawn and avoid starting down that dark road to becoming his altogether? The Bible tells us how. Again, you can start at Ephesians 6 if you’d like to see what the Bible has to say directly on the subject. Here, I will paraphrase and provide some practical suggestions.

First, if you have not done so already, answer the call of God, the quiet yearning in your spirit that is anxious to know Him. How, you ask? Just say yes. Tell God you want Him in your life, and He is more than happy to grant your request. Indeed, He has been standing by the whole time.

Second, detach your sense of worth from anything fallible. Do not stake your worth in others’ opinions, your success, your intelligence, or anything else that is easily shaken or removed. Find your worth in the fact that God thought you so valuable, that He sent His Son to pay your debt, that His Holy Spirit is always with you and desires for you to have joy and to prosper, and that your Creator orchestrated all of this so that you would have the opportunity to know Him and to spend eternity with Him, far away from all this other nonsense. [Note: I do not mean to suggest that there is nothing to be happy about now, or that we cannot enjoy the things of this world. Certainly we can: it was God who created anything worth having anyway, including family, beauty, health, and even the ‘riches’ and other delights of this world. He does not forbid pleasure; rather, He warns us not to worship any of it.]

Third, be very careful of dismissing anything as neutral / without spiritual significance. Remember that the enemy’s best weapon is secrecy, so you want to render his covert attacks unsuccessful. You have already taken the first step by inviting God in. The next step is to be mindful of your actions, words, and surroundings. Read the Bible so you are aware of God’s teachings and the enemy’s traps. Find a solid community that will help you along, one that will remind you of what is truly valuable and reach out to you when you become distracted.

God has great plans for us all. God promises that His way is liberating, light, and full of life. The enemy’s way is burdensome, heavy, and will lead to death. It is not difficult to choose life, but it is certain that you are choosing, whether you realize it or not.


Jessica said...

Great post Heather! Thank you for writing it down, it was great when you spoke it, and now that I see all the parts it seems that there are blogs within blogs here! I have to ask two favors:

1. What is the book that we were talking about? And what was that passages you read from it, about how the enemy cannot separate us from the love of God, but instead he can only do X Y and Z?

2. How did we tie in the armor of God? Was that at the end, where we need to protect ourselves from the attacks of the enemy?

I will have to think of everything a bit more!


Julie Filter said...

Beautiful, Heather. I loved it. Keep putting this stuff out there! =0)